Friday, April 3, 2009

Baby Quilt Finished, Hurray!

Here it is, in all its glory: the baby quilt that was completed and given away last weekend. I really love how this turned out. The fabrics are all delicious and work perfectly together. And it looks exactly as Electronic Quilt said it would. Thanks to everyone who weighed in on which design I should use.

I was a little sad to see this quilt go!

I used strip-piecing to piece the top of the quilt. This means I sewed two long strips of fabric together, then cut perpendicular to the seam, creating smaller strips of two squares that were sewn together. Two sets of these strips were sewn together to create a 4-patch.

I've included some close-up pictures of the quilt so you can see the free-motion quilting lines. You can also see the fun navy fabric with the wacky flowers and random eyeballs. (Or olives? You decide.)

And here's the payoff at the end: the patch that says "I made this!" Also, check out the flowers on the back side of the quilt!


Rosalyn Manesse said...

Now, that's a charming quilt. Baby will love it, I'm sure

Anonymous said...

Love the color and fabric choices. Baby Ella is one lucky baby! She will enjoy napping under her quilt for many years!